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Teacher Perspective Volume 1

Funding education in Nigeria has been a crucial issue of concern to all stakeholders in education industry. This points at the catastrophe of education funding which has become both erratic and inadequate. The effects of underfunding and lip-service paid to education seem to undermine the success of academic programmes and national development. A cursory look at the Nigerian educational system will show the sorry state of the schools (primary, secondary and tertiary).

International Journal Volume 4, No.1, April

The multifarious establishment of university in Nigeria is alarming. The trend has insinuated controversial debates to all and sundry. The justification for this development is compounded with variegated opinions ranging from creating more access to university education opportunity, palpable conditions of existing universities, competition, improve quality, awareness, accountability etc. The universities whose main job is turning out the most highly qualified professionals must be guided with passion.

International Journal Volume 2

Bratton (1999) agreed that collective bargaining is a process through which representatives of the union and management jointly determine some of the employment rules. He suggested that there are two types of rules, substantive and procedural. Substantive rules establish terms and conditions of employment, monetary issues such as pay, allowances and fringe benefits, hours of work etc. Procedural issues regulate the way in which rules are made and interpreted, and also indicate how conflicts are to be resolved or avoided.

International Journa Volume 3, No.3, August 2009

Consequent upon the increasing demand for education at all levels in Nigeria and internationally, the Nigerian primary school administrator is confronted by hydra-headed personnel management problems occasioned by the soaring number of pupils and teaching and non-teaching personnel. Educators believe that using the tenet of impersonality and effective information documentation, school members can be managed to achieve effectiveness in school administration and in the implementation of curriculum.

International Journal Volume 1

This paper focused on human resource adequacy as a viable instrument for the successful implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme in Nigerian primary school. In order to address this option, the paper discussed the concepts of UBE, human resource and human resource adequacy. The paper also examined human resource adequacy for UBE programme implementation in primary schools, problems of human resource adequacy, benefits of human resource adequacy and the prospects of human resource adequacy. Recommendations were made.

International Journal Volume 2 No.1

This paper examined quality assurance in primary education in Nigeria. It discussed the concept of quality and quality assurance, objectives of primary education as indicated in National Policy on Education (2004) were enumerated. Activities involved in quality assurance in primary education were highlighted. Problems militating against quality assurance in primary education were discussed such as: inadequate provision of facilities, insufficient provision of instructional materials, not ensuring curriculum relevance.

International Journal Volume 2 No.2

The Origin of HIV/AIDS: No other disease has ever threatened the imagination of the world as much as HIV and AIDS have done: The following are often asked:
 Where did AIDS come from?
 Is it a new or an old disease?
 Where did HIV originate?

NARD Volume 14 No.1, April

In developing countries, the use of draught animal is important due to the shortage of farm machineries. Training and management of draught animals is an important requirement for any draught animal system. Its maximum utilization relies heavily upon the type and nature of training received at the beginning when the animals are usually introduced to the work. Majority of Nigerian farmers manage their animals on nomadic pastoral system with little supplementary feeding and inadequate health care.



Knowledge Review Volume 20 No.2 April 2010

Post-Colonial Africa has yet too many flash points, arising from failed and weak states due to poor governance, boundary disputes, lean resources, lack of capacity, ethnic rivalries, power sharing, religious and ideological contentions. The conflict in Sudan presents an interesting scenario. At the surface, it is seemingly a religious war or political conflict. The Darfur region represents the country‟s sore thumb.

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