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Knowledge Review Volume 22 No.2, April 2011

Every government formulates its goals and aspiration. Though, in Nigeria, failure has trailed most of such statements in the past, Seven-Point Agenda of Yar-Adua seem to have no better result. Why is it so? Are teachers, being one of the major instruments of reformation, actually playing their roles? This descriptive survey, therefore, attempts to investigate the extent to which teachers are involved in the realization of the Seven-Point Agenda of President Yar‟Adua. Three research questions guided the study and a total of 300 in-service teachers and 300 student-teachers were interrogated through the „Effect of Teacher Education on Seven-Point Agenda‟ (ETE-7 point agenda). Data analysis was done using simple percentages. Findings show that Nigerian teachers lack in-depth knowledge of Seven-Point Agenda, and so are not committed to its realization as a national objective. It recommended that teachers‟ awareness and commitment to the Agenda be enhanced and sustained through regular seminars, workshops and conferences for teachers, and to incorporation it into the teacher education programme in Nigeria.

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