Volume 20 No 1, April, 2011
ISSN: 1596-3306
1. Survey of Language Use in Lesson Plan and Delivery by NCE Student- Teachers from Some Selected Colleges of Education in Kaduna and Kano States - Dr. Orame S. P. Alaku
2. The Role of Primary School Headmasters in Rebranding Nigeria - Dr. Nneka G. Nwaka
3. Evaluating the Functional Parameters that Causes Scale Deposit on Crude Oil Exploration, Exploitation and Production Processes - C. P. Ukpaka
4. Effect of Inadequate Infrastructural Facilities on Academic Performance of Students of Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State - Ejiro Thelma Akhihiero
5. The Impact of Creative Accounting and Earnings Management on Modern Financial Reporting - Dr. Akabom Ita Asuquo
6. An Appraisal of the Forces Behind the Incidence of High Rate of Failures in Nigeria’s Public Examinations - Chukuka Augustus Okwuedei and Avwenagha Daniel Obruche
7. Plato and the Leadership Question: An Evaluation of Philosopher –King Within The Nigerian Political Structure - Dr Michael Chukwuemeka Ozumba; Bethrand Okafor and Martins Solomon Udom
8. HIV and Determinants of Infant Feeding Behaviour as Regards
Breast-Feeding and Replacement Feeding - J. E. Anene-Okeakwa
9. The Nigerian Prison System and the Failure of Rehabilitation: An Examination of Incarceration Alternatives - Moses U. Ikoh (Ph.D)
10. The Necessity For Effective Waste Management in the Hospitality Industry - Femi Adebayo Eseyin-Johnson
11. The Family Life Structure Balance: Key to Children’s Discipline - A A. Agbaje
12. Language Teaching and Crises Management - B. O. Ajisafe
13. An Analytic Hierarchy Process For A Decision to Implement Modern Information Systems in A Hospital - Ngutor Nyor and Adamu Idama
14. An Empirical Analysis of Government Project Execution - Justina Chioma Okobia
15. Gender Performance in Accounting Education At FCE (T) Umunze, Anambra State - Grace Chukwudum Chukwugbo
17. Towards Repackaging Graphic Design Programmes In Nigerian Universities - Benjamin Ande Ogunlade
18. Social Studies Education For Sustainable Development In Nigeria - Salmamza Dibal
19. Social Studies as a Subject Discipline in the Nigerian Primary School System - Palmer Isite Odogbor
20. Nursery Education in Nigeria: Policy Implementation and Problems - O. A. Unuigbokhai and M. S. Jimah
21. Visual Art / Web Design Patronage for Economic Development in Nigeria - Tebu Ovie
22. Vocational and Technical Education: A Road Map for Poverty
Alleviation in Nigeria - K.O. Imarhiagbe and O. L Obierika
23. Surmounting the Challenges of Classroom Design in Nigerian Primary Schools - Gabriel Iwua Sen
24. Universal Basic Education for Job Creation and Sustainable National Development in Nigeria - Buari, Nasiru Adeyemi