Volume 21 No 1, November, 2011
ISSN: 1596-3306
1. Management Controls and the Performance of New Generation Banks: A Correlation Analysis - Felix Mcdubus Onyuka, (Ph. D.)
2. The Challenges of Assessment of Candidates With Special Needs In Nigeria - Chris M. Vandeh, (Ph.D.)
3. Effects of Rice (Oryza Sativa) Cultivation on Ndokwa Grassland
Soils - S. I. Efe, (Ph.D.) and P. P. Ogbonna
4. Teacher Education in Katsina State: The 21st Century Challenges - Musa Ladan
5. Combating Examination Fraud: Towards A Culture of Integrity in Public Examinations in Nigeria - Kabiru Mohammed Badau, (Ph.D.) and John Sakiyo, (Ph.D.)
6. Teacher Demand and Supply: A Critical Factor in the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Scheme in the South-East Zone 0f Nigeria - Leonard C. Chukwu, (Ph.D.)
7. Computer: A Versatile and Veritable Interactor in Architectural Education in Nigeria - Olaniyi O. Aluko and Olusola F. Oni
8. Reflections on the Causes of Nigeria’s 1967 Blood-Bath: Lessons for the Fourth Republic - Mom Matthew
9. Quality Teacher Education and National Productivity: Issues
and Challenges -Bukoye Jide Musbau and Tijani O. Abdulgaffar
10. The Problem of Ethnicity in Nigeria; A Psycho-Philosophical Panacea -Ifunanya Ugwuoha; Jackson J. Okoronkwo and Dr. Chukwuemeka Michael Ozumba
11. Strategies for Funding Nine Years Basic Education in Nigeria Under
A Depressed Economy -Omotayo O. Taiwo, (Ph. D.) and Mark Omolade
12. Role of the Public Library in Adult Continuing Education and Life Long Learning in Nigeria -Jacintha U. Eze
13. Factors Militating Against Head Teachers’ Effective Supervision of Primary Schools in Ebonyi State -Dr. Uzoma Aja-Okorie
14. Provision of Building/Housing: A Source of Employment in Nigeria in the 21st Century -P. O. Ahiante and Henry Oriakhi
15. The Problem of Women Emancipation and Child Rearing Practices in Nigeria -Undutimi Johnny Dudafa
16. The Reading Preferences of English Language Teachers in Training: Implication for Literacy Education -P. E. Ezenandu
17. Knowledge of Classification of Research: An Important Tool for a Successful Researcher -Joyce Ifeoma Obidiebube
18. Resuscitating the Use of Language Laboratories in Language Teaching and Learning -B. O. Ajisafe and V. T. B. Okotie
19. Entrepreneurship: A Viable Option for National Development -F. N. Agetue and E. A. Nnamdi
20. A Hypothetical Case of Language Planning With Special Reference to Nigeria -Joshua Azubuike Nweke
21. The Effects of Institutionalization of Religions and Importance -Rev. Sr. Teresina Veronica Chiebonam Agunwa
22. Design and Development of a Push–Pull Mechanical Weeder for Farmers’ Use -Jonathan Jacob Shiru